Why Managers Should Focus on HRM

Pavan A
2 min readDec 9, 2021
Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

The role of the manager is to keep employees happy and have them do their jobs. However, it is not enough to just focus on employee happiness. Managers also need to concentrate on the organisation’s performance.

While employees are happy with their work, their productivity remains low. Factors that are responsible for this include conflicts between workers, low morale among employees due to poor working conditions, lack of training for new hires and lack of motivation among existing staff. Therefore, managers must take charge of addressing these issues by improving overall human resource management.

The most effective managers are those who can engage their workers in the process necessary to achieve the company’s goals. The most effective managers are those that hold their employees accountable to achieve these goals. The most effective managers are those that can motivate their workers through training and rewards, but also discipline.

To keep up with the digital revolution, it is necessary to focus on human resources. There is no doubt that HRM has to be improved. However, that will not happen overnight and it will take some time before the results start showing that this is indeed feasible.

We can point out some of the major factors involved in improving HRM

The main challenge for managers in today’s world is to ensure an effective work environment for staff. This involves creating a safe working environment, ensuring compliance with company policies and procedures, ensuring a steady growth of revenues and staff retention, etc. All these factors are important, but they are not enough for managing an organisation successfully. To improve management skills of employees, there are plenty of books written on various topics like managing employees, recruitment process, etc.

